Pentametron, a twitter bot that has “With algorithms subtle and discrete / I seek iambic writings to retweet.” as its tag line. It is fun to occasionally read through the feed out loud.
Monthly Archives: March 2015
We put too much value on something being European
I was looking for some cherry preserves (because I really love cherries) and stumbled onto this. I did a bit of a double take when I saw that their way of distinguishing themselves is that their preserves are stored in European Drinkware. As in it is very important that the jar/glass is from Europe.
These are little things that amuse and bother me.
USB Killer
You can find an interesting post here about a device to fry USB ports and possibly more just by plugging it in. The original post in russian is available in the link as well.
I am curious about what this would do to a USB charger. Short story is, don’t plug unknown devices into things you care about.
Filed under Technology, USB
I think amazon may be trying to tell me something
The highlight and arrows are mine, but otherwise the page is unchanged. I guess amazon doesn’t want you to get a box of candy without a kettle bell and some health food to balance it out.
Filed under Funny
AD synced users on office 365 and email aliases
Fun fact, if you sync users who have email aliases on office 365, but not the local AD profile those aliases get deleted from office 365.
The solution is to add the appropriate aliases to the users AD profile using ADSI edit. The values go into a field called “proxyAddresses”. Each address should start with “smtp:” if it is a secondary address (aka: alias), but if it is the users primary address it has to start with “SMTP:”
You need to add the users primary address to that field in order to prevent office 365 from changing the users primary address to the * variant. Continue reading
Filed under Office 365
Automatically set IE to run in compatibility mode for RDweb on server 2008R2
It seems that the RDweb interface for the remote desktop gateway won’t work unless you enable compatibility mode. This is a nice simple way to get the server to turn it on remotely so the users don’t need to do anything.
Full post below the fold in case the original goes poof into the internet ether.
Filed under Server, Technology